Stand up for millions of children denied education, safety, and a life free from exploitation.
Call for urgent action to protect their rights to education, safety, and a life free from exploitation!
Campaign leaders are calling for urgent action to protect Africa’s children, demanding justice, education, and safety for every child.
Since 2016, global wealth has grown by over $12 trillion. In the same time 90,000 African children have been forced into child labor every single week and almost 100 million children and young people in Africa are still being denied their right to education.
This is a crisis of rising global inequality and discrimination against Africa.
Justice for Africa: Don’t Cut Our Future is an African youth- and student-led global campaign demanding an end to this injustice.
October 21, 2023• News
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Millions of children across Africa face injustice every day—denied education, forced into labor, and displaced by conflict. These facts highlight the urgent need for action.
Building on this year’s theme for the Day of the African Child: Education for All, this report reflects on how education has changed in the 48 years since the Soweto Uprising, where thousands of black school students in South Africa stood against the Apartheid regime's discriminatory education policies.
Nearly half a century later, the inequalities they protested against have only deepened, with education inequality now three times worse than in 1976 and education budgets per child in Africa somehow lower than they were nearly 50 years ago.
We stand united in the fight for justice, equality, and a brighter future for Africa’s children. Every child deserves access to education, safety, and freedom from exploitation, yet millions remain vulnerable to injustice. As partners of the Justice for Africa campaign, we are committed to driving meaningful change by advocating for policies that protect children’s rights and holding leaders accountable.
Together, we can create a world where no child is left behind. Join us in demanding action—because justice cannot wait!
Justice for Africa is powered by the determination, creativity and collaboration of young people, students and survivor-advocates across the world.
Justice for Africa: Don’t Cut Our Future is an African youth- and student-led global campaign demanding an end to this injustice.